Thursday, November 7, 2013

Sephora Sale Tease and a Tranny New Year

This morning I got up and checked my Bloglovin and got all jazzed, thanks to Style Me Swanky about a big sale at Sephora:  VIBTOPIA for 20% off!

I've been to Sephora once before, on New Years Eve day, or maybe for a Christmas party... something where I clearly had every intention of bamboozling the little ladies into painting my face and then running away.  I definitely felt guilty afterwards and bought a Stila smudgeable eyeliner, which I still have and still do not know how to use.  I did, however, learn how to "fan" my eye shadow back and forth a bit, and that remains my only skill.  

A skill I wish I had employed prior to turning myself in a total tranny for NYE in 2011:

So I went nuts at  Time to upgrade MAH FACE.

Especially since I now have bangs!

Clearly I am unsure about feelings towards said bangs.  But they exist now nonetheless.

Here is what I wanted to purchase:
$75 of all kinds of little trials and some full sizes!

Been eyeing this bad boy for a year - and this one came with goodies!
And it's turquoise!

After waiting on the phone for 40 minutes with Sephora's customer non-service I discovered that I was not a VIB.  That takes more than $6 in 2010 apparently.  So this is what I got instead, to put towards my $350 VIB threshold:  
Haven't tried any BBs yet, even though my friend Amanda begged me to...
This way, I have a smorgasboard!  Who doesn't love boards of smorgas??

My eyes need some help now that they're hiding behind my super chic fringe!

Nobody told me about the points equating to FREE STUFF!
Right there during check out!  I knew about the free samples, but FREE BIG GOODIES TOO?!
Just for signing up!  My Jew heart rejoices!  Scarlett Johanneson lips are MINE!

Amazing how good they are at making it feel like a challenge...  

REWARDS?!  STATUS?!  EFF YES!  VIB I'm coming for youuuuu!

Hopefully my face will thank me later.  This whole not traveling thing has totally thrown me off my beauty routine (which consisted of intermittent face washing) and made me break out like a 13 year old boy.  And now I have a front-half bowl cut to add insult to injury.  
JK I like the bangs, I just don't know what to do with them yet!  And they feel funny on my forehead...

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